Tammie Hawkins: Team Building Events

In the corporate structure, it is important to have a team that is capable of working together towards a common goal. Tammie Hawkins recognizes this fact and crafts team building events with a focus on improving communication and relationships.

She states, “A lot of the issues that businesses face on an internal level can be boiled down to poor communication between employees. This is especially the case with larger companies, where people may be split into various departments that rarely come into contact with each other unless an issue arises. The purpose of a good team building event is to demonstrate that everybody attending has qualities that are used for the good of the company, in addition to fostering relationships between employees that may be difficult to achieve in a work environment.

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“Of course, fun is also high on the agenda, so it is important to strike a balance between finding activities that people will enjoy and ensuring that they all serve the overall purpose of the event.

“That’s why I think it is very important to sit down with the client and create a bespoke team building event, rather than simply offering a set of prepared packages. This allows for a more personal touch and offers the opportunity for some real bonding to occur.”

Tammie Hawkins is a member of the Events Planning Association credits her time spent working with Acme Events as providing her with the knowledge she needed to manage team building events. She is excited to contribute to the continued growth of the industry, which has made great strides in the last ten years.

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